ER Consulting designs and delivers quality training, team-building and coaching services to the private, public and voluntary sectors.
Career Direction Workshop
Do you need help to decide on your career direction?
Do you need help to decide what subjects are best for you to take at school?
It can be a tough decision especially if you have pressure from others including your parents to make a choice.
To make a decision you need information. Information about you, your interests, skills, values and personality so that you can make an informed choice.
This is where a Career Consultation Session can help you.
What will you get from Career Consultation?
Career direction or career options that draw on your strengths, passions/interests, and skills
An understanding of your strengths and talents
A report which outlines ideal careers for you
Study options
School subject choices
An action plan of what to do next Knowledge of future careers and the realities of the working world to day
How will this help me?
You will select a career path that is right for you
Understand why you are choosing that path and be able to explain to others
Know your strengths and talents
Get a grip on study options
Feel more motivated as you will know your direction.